Monday, October 12, 2009
Where Should My Cervix Be When My Period Is Due
Ostfriesen Buy
first Tea is always drunk from a cup of tea
and if you want any tea
is more visible place the spoon in the cup to
second In order to exciting events such as an accident
to prepare you have to always have a
third 3x Ostfriesen is right!
4th spoken at strangers (people who can not
Platt) must always be slow, loud and clear
5th Photos exclusively on tourists may
flowers Trees, lawns and other naturelle
be visible beauty (no trash, no
factory, not at all violent or pornographic images
) ... the East Frisians
want to leave a positive impression
6th Criminal acts must be covered up.
7th Everyone must have been in his East Frisian
live at least once on one of
East Frisian Islands.
8th In East Friesland the world is still in
9th East Friesland has the most beautiful cows.
10th Ostfriesen stick together, are strong and not let
of cheap jokes
get ready.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Unique Basketball Warm Up Songs
yes so now I live are already over a month here in the beautiful ostfriesland ...
and I have to say until now I repent nothing I mean I miss you all in the Sauerland has thus actually really ... aba I'm up here, really cool new full loud, and I know my real fun ...: D my work in the kindergarten makes me sick much fun I'm really happy then .... The children are all powerful and loving horny me so much fun ... and my first salary I've also already got: D that is of course the best part: D I'm really here to be my aunts and onkelz are so horny and my grandma and Opapa course and provide me good and Hillu my new mama: D which is of course the hottest it's so much fun with her and she is soooo nice to me .... people I have to say HERE here are so good I'm so happy so happy I've never in my life ... and doing great .... oh you and I begin the same time to cry again ....
naja and I have really the feeling that some people are genuinely feel disadvantaged by me so I think they've forgotten already no this is not so! aba it is sometimes better than I have to work up to 5 clock and must go for internet phone calls and always to my other aunt because the halt ne flat and therefore has a bissel isses difficult with all the same and so ... and if you feel discriminated write me a mail or sms ne oda whatever I promised to catch up will be ... and I will never ever Forgot ...!!!!!
moving Well on monday I for a week to a seminar to Delmenhorst and I'm looking forward to have aba a bissel fear aba works already iwie: D
people like that and I wanted all of you who have written me a card with real-time n big THANK YOU I'm happy to say that I totally get so many have: d have almost every day and the post is full of cool: D thank you, I'm really loving people total ... so until then ...
your kleeeeeene marta: D
Monday, August 17, 2009
Best Time Day Take L Carnitine
I need to write has nothing meike yes already done it and it does everything for me auser I did not have to go to school but to work with a leg: D
so check :
until then: D
de marta
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Logitech Mouse Man Wheel Model M.cw47
Sun folks ....
am now days I've been here a few here in my new home in ostfriesland .....
me here very well and all are nice to me: D
have it on friday for me and I pushed wilkommensparty Ostfriesen passed the graduation and we may also Jez Ostfriesland say to me: D. ... it was really cool ... and the people here are totally sweet and nice and crazy, just the way I like .......
I jez one week left to settle me here and I have to start working as glad I MCIH aba already on it .... I've already given my room and Meike has decorated my wardrobe: D naja jez is really beautiful ...
grade, my parents again and well I understand wegegafhren solangsam jez I stay here still quite unusual ....
Well i will contact you again .... soon ...
I miss you all already ...
then your marta: D: D: D: D: D: D
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Is Masterbution Is Haram For Musllim Females?
okay ... the time has come ...
jez grad is the new beginning my last night before the big ...: d
iwie already aba sad I'm looking forward to what is already waiting for me ... jez I am pleased to be with my family to my new home and my omi on: D and of course al the others that are still around: D so tomorrow I'll
leave the mountainous Sauerland and into the shallow sea is shallow draw ... aba people I do not forget you'll I know you all have long jez not oda: D aba I like all of you forgotten doll and you'll never: D the time with you here on the Sauerland was totally nice and I'll come visit you promised .. I hope you write times, I definitely want to know about you always had my little spanacken: D
until then .. and I miss you already jez: (
your kleene intergrown durcjgeknallte annoying and scary marta: D hehe ... lala Keep it up without me: D <3
Saturday, July 18, 2009
My New Born Baby Sms To All Friends
dat video I got from the kleener meike get my birthday: d and I find that has se .....: D well done so I alternate the times here Purity: not ne d aba laugh: D
so yesterday I was last in the ma iseeku So in jubu in holthausen ..... that was really hard and totally horny aba ... people will forget I will not miss aba scary ....!!!! I love you you are really dear to my heart ..... the gift is so cool thank you little: D and I'm going to come visit so: D ohh you ..... I love you all dolls: D
so and tonight I am the last ma in the youth in the Werdohl will once again hard ... aba man must make sacrifices if you want to live his dream ....
well I want to thank Ken again and especially that is my big sister and she is so sweet to me IMMOMENT cries and always because nciht they want me to go away kerstin aba you come visit me and we cih see you and I love you! <3<3<3<3.... meine große sis:D
I told you LÜB: D <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
de kleene marta: D
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Is It Safe To Facial Waxing While Breastfeeding
oh you in two weeks I'm moving because I prefer here, away from the Sauerland in the mountains to the plate-land: D
I'm looking forward fully on 24 July has come ... I'll take all the facts and go away it is just as short and jez me tuts but a hurt and a bissel bissel sorry .... is fully ecth pity all the people here I go off to all of you'll miss all doll ..... my new address and tele number to get one need only ask me via internet and I am still reachable I definitely want to fall in with you konkakt stay so that I may still know when I'm here to visit ma: D
no this is already a horny year and then We'll see how it goes if I stay there or back here in the mountains come: D naja
Sun jez you have to pass by a full two weeks to you by me: D
I love you all very very dolls: D aba
'm looking forward to the new waiting time to jez on me ....
love <3
de marta
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Orthodics How To Clean
oh man that was really a great day today ...: D ma
first I was so today my purzeltach and then I have confirmation yet today: D so so so and a festive occasion that is my purzeltach but come the whole Ostfriesen .....( okay because they are The confiscated by kerstin and me come:)) Well that was aba Sun hammma horny that they were all here and so alas they are just the hottest .... But I miss jez again ...:( it's not beautiful but yes I know the meike comes exactly one week and then again I have to drive because dahoch kiddigarten and so in exactly 26 days and I will for a whole year there remain oda maybe for longer or forever aba I might come too back mountains in the: D no I'm so excited even if I'm going to folks here on the Sauerland plettenberg Werdohl and miss all full but I'm looking off to the new the I jez geh ... naja
wars so hot today has made a lot o fun and lara and Lenny are just the hottest child it is I love you the way you two sweet ...: D
you are so sweet you two I could hug you: D and I will miss jez quite doll: D
naja jez get so call even with meike ... yes I was looking all day here but in the time where they have gone back so much is happening to us an hour to 3 hours certainly not sufficient separation to tell: D naja
'm alternating de marta: D
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Seninel Dongle Emulator
I look to past days,
and see so much hate, anger
so much pain so much
suffering so much,
I thought
is not my life worth living
I geadcht,
is my life sucks,
I thought
punish should I
is for all that went wrong.
I never was really glad I was
never really happy, I could never
of heart laugh
I always wanted to know
as is to be a happy man.
I fell in addictions, the addictions
haunt me to this day,
I have to this day,
to quit which I do not
sore that I have to fight today,
complex which I will not get rid
everything is a mess ......
but I want it,
I come from, I work diligently
because there
to come out,
piece by piece, learn
tag for tag,
I get along with me to accept
and my body to accept ...
her wist actually how beautiful it is to laugh,
is how beautiful it can look forward to,
wist her how beautiful it is to have true friends,
how beautiful it is to accept yourself, you
wist how beautiful it is honest To be
how beautiful this one is facing who you are, you
wist how beautiful to be loved,
how beautiful a happier person?
every day for every day I come closer
My goal, at some time
the scars of time, remind me of my time earlier today, I'm with a lot of fight and I feel terrible, but I am doing well and that's a different, but the biggest difference is, I know that there is someone is greater than all of that is what's in this world, all the injustice and fears, everything that makes us broken and hurt our causes ... I can never forget my past, but I could accept it, God does something good out of it, so I would not otherwise had to do all that .... God has made my life completely upside down, changed me and I love his given .. He has helped me so much and I continue to hand him his I'm so grateful that he was always there and has helped me so that I can now sit here and write this .... God was in the darkest phase because it is just wonderful big powerful love and a true savior from not ... Thank you Lord ..! so now I'm strong here all the things that annoy me today and where I work still has to change to ... but I am certain that I get with God's help and the people he has given me back ...!!! my life is worth living and I am looking and I'm so happy ..... soon something new starts and I'm curious on it ....
I'm fine !!!!: D
I live my life NOW!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Stomach Bursting Open
today is just one of the days where I do not knows what is going on again?
I'm only crying on and everything is crap ...!! you should really go to me but good, everything is going so well ... but I feel so crap ...!! why? why? why?
may not be the one to talk me down? oh everything to throw up ....!!!! why? why? why?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Jansen Nadine Skipping
tearless grief ...
tears are an expression of mourning, but
your whole life,
consists only of mourning.
tears are an expression of love, but
in your life,
you were never loved.
are expressive tears of happiness, but
in your life,
you were never happy.
tears are an expression of joy, but
in your life, you had never
your tears,
are tears,
of mourning,
of injury,
they hurt,
but at some point,
tearless grief,
without tears,
there were too many,
the account of the people were cast,
makes sure
otherwise it will soon go any way!
poems from past days Ohman is funny when I think what I used to have so written poems for ... (The evil you must not read hehe aba: D) but I am so happy and IMMOMENT iwie degree is really nice so .... I mean there are people so dependent changes as a've never aba I hope they see not so often Persin (you know who: D) najadas is already ... I hope it all goes well so with this and this and this Hatle you know already: D
oh man I'm a crazy bissel I do not believe that's up to me or not but I know no net ...: D naja
so then I will not go even longer on the nerves, the aba is fun ... hmmm should be no ego or go lalalalalala I'm okay interactions: D
byebye: D
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Blog Spot Austin Kincaid
jeah I really packed habs: D I have passed the tests, which is so great: D I'm so excited: D and I'm happy I'm in social work with a nutritional ne 3 + and gf in 3rd with pek ne .. would indeed have been better, that's me aba matter now: D I just packed habs ... so now just have to get the letter from Hanover that they accept me and I can go to ostfriesland: D I hope so: D well it'll
to have done it Basilea is was: D till denne times: D
de kleene marta: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D : D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Veet Longer Than 6 Minutes
Sun folks I am again in the land: D jaja nu
I ostfriesland in 6 days and it was sau geil auser course has hurt me the love was meikezugefügt: D so the bite to bleed and cut down and noses and so on: D naja aba I like them so still: D and we ham built so much shit, it surprises me that we are alternating following kicked out for such inna eisdiele Geller: D oh man it was so cool and we all made ham : D naja aba I was properly and got my first ma tante immediately at the beginning spoken words freitach ... because they live there and so and so immediately gesacht Hillu you're simply the best simply left porno: D yes, and then I was still stuck on serving in kiddigarten make application for and so and then I was just so there .... Now that my grandma and my aunt made me full of courage and gesacht ham ham that I created and so .. naja was then stop here and have talked to the boss and my application that looks and reads through so-so and then said, yes, the reading is all quite good and we would be pleased if you come, so we begin, and so ... "alter voll geil: D so then only had to ne cv to send hannover, since some of the spread and so and I wrote it in there and takes the kiddigarten me something and I immediately sent the moin today and I hope the jaz I sone card you get and even that person then I'll probably have to say bye bye ... sauerland already iwie sorry aba I am also: D and Besides others, I'll already here to come visit and stuff: D oh ads cool: D naja our rear was crossing not like smoking, as after and after a few kilometers of fell off the exhaust, and still there hanging and has beaten all the time under the car and on the ground and we were still in the middle of the highway and so .... oh man that was really crass've cried fully because I was so afraid: D Well we went for hours, three with the exhaust on gefahrn until we finally were in Rheine, where first ma to soner workshop and the ham us fix it for only 15 euro beat hamma geil ... because God has helped us really ... the is just so cool: D Well then we could go well. well, I with my map reading arts habs then hammer out iwann find your way: D ham so and then we used for the return trip 6 hours of real, new record ....: D aba was crossing ne: D naja
and then I present the first ma sabrin stränchen hair dyed so pure and so and I'm really proud of me: D looks good: D and then I'm inna city with mareike rumgegammelt that was really cool hamma: D has been fully fun: D you up sooo cool: D yes and then I would really only shortly after Heidi aba it was then also 3 hours: D aba was also full of cool old oh excuse me young sons so I get worse again: D is also fully Korekt on it: D naja jez and I am full Fertich with the world: D and go first kip ma: D aso war and yes on wednesday I mean examination grades oh man'm really afraid .. Well will have already worked out: D so jez aba good night: D
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sayings For Wishing Well
What I want ....
I want to be with you,
but the next moment to be alone.
I want to feel you,
are not touched by you.
I want to talk to you, but it
I want to scream, but
be dumb.
I would like to carve, but
not hurt me.
I want to see you any more,
but I want to lose you.
die I want
but I have to fear an accident.
I want to be like her, but
I want to tell you how I feel, but not noticeable
I would accept, but what if I think
divided so 2?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Mount & Blade Take A Wife

so the are even Marty and I and only I, as a penner: D I find the pictures sau geil .... no, I do not go any tach to school like: D was no, that our last weeks of school and as ham wa ma ado ne motto week by magic: D it was just hamma geil: D and the image-so was the theme penner You can see that or??
jeah school is over written tests and no school more ma first holiday full of fat: D have a good kip and so on .... Today I have for the first time are back up at 11 weeks that was slept ma geil ..........: D wait yes jez only the result ... aba gently feeling my is it good: D and yes damaris Besides others have the checks or rather the preparations looked through dadrauf occurring then aba ... (who has the jez understood at all, who has not had bad luck: D: D: D: D))) soso naja next week first ma fat full after ostfriesland: D I'm so excited my Schetzel: D and then the kindergarten, too called and then I have to go there when I'm there oh man I hope it works the waär aba so hot I think I'd miss a lot here I will also aba iwie this interaction and ostfriesland is so great: D naja
kümma me jez ma to the köta also the ma wat comes out and has: d and i bold then seek you jeahia: D okay until then: D (<4<4<4<4<4<4<4<4<4 jaja du weist schon:D)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Where I Can Buy Cornstarch In Uk
False Friends Questions after tilting
True Friends: Are the reason you have no
tipping. (hehe sorry louise: D)
False Friends: Call your parents
Ms / Mr
Real Friends: Call your parents Mom / Dad (no comment: D)
False Friends: Get thee out of jail
and tell you what you did was wrong
True friends. sitting in the cell next to you and say
: Damn ... we screwed it's
... was damn funny! (Rabbit tooth meike?? D)
Wrong friends: Have you ever seen her cry
True friends: cry with you .. (oh yes ....)
False Friends: If you leave, if the amount
doing that.
True Friends: Will connect the entire amount
in the ass that left to stand up
added. (NEN dat is fun: D))
False Friends: Stay for a while.
True friends. Stay for a lifetime (love <4)
False Friends: Will the person who told
shit about you stupid full Abern
True friends. Ausnocken are simply
(I hope ...).
I hope you're just good friends!
it's crass wrong friends to have people take advantage of the one just so that they are better I hate something ..... but these people do I'm sorry she will never know what it means to have true friends have treasure which you will never give up again ... friends for life .... this is the best what can happen ... I'll have all your kleene marta LÜB ....: D: D
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Diagram Of How Brazilians Are Done
so now I'm here alone .....
help I'm all alone I am free, and the storm is really great .... I would now not alone in this house Riessen ... ahhhh ... I'm afraid ..... that's scary here are full of so many rooms and .... ahhhhh naja .... now I have time to learn more on monday oh man I write my first review and I hope that is indeed the good ...
naja On Friday we got our notes and such and I got my real graduation ..... Jeha .. so horny almost all three of only four English aba for two in religious nor an d iwo I forgot: D aba I have this real conclusion I would have been nu imma have ihc him that is so great .... I've done it really wirlich hamma ....: D I'm so .. lter size: just like mine would also look ma aba naja ... it is enough so I am happy: D jez only the test and almost everything is good: D oh yes I also created: D I hope, of course, and then I'm not the nanny is wonderful ...???? Sun
naja jez I dedicate myself again the shit ...: D
okay ..... chau chau all together: D
Monday, May 11, 2009
Do It Yourself Wedding Treasure Chest
love letter - God has written a letter
Dear child, I know you very well, even if you
me may not yet know. (Psalm 139.1)
I know when you get up and when you go to sleep
. I know all your ways. (Psalm 139.3)
I've made in my image.
(1 Moses 1.27)
You are my child. (Acts 17:28)
You were not an accident. I have written every single day of your life
in my book.
(Psalm 139.15-16)
I have the time and place of your birth
determined and thought about it, life will find you.
(Acts 17:28)
I have plans for you, full of hope and a future
are. (Jeremiah 29.11)
My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the beach
. can (Psalm 139.17-18)
I'm so over you, that I only cheer
. (Zephaniah 3.17)
If you are brokenhearted, I am close to you.
(Psalm 34.18)
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I carried you close to my heart
. (Isaiah 40.11)
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes
. And I will take away all the pain of your life
. (Revelation 21.3-4) I
I gave up everything because I want to win your love
. (Romans 8.31-32)
My question is: Will you be my child?
(John 1.12-13)
I wait for you. (Luke 15.11-32)
your father - God Almighty
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Fallout 3 Can You Store Your Items Anywhere?
so again at home ...: D I was the one
we jez Aufner Congress in Nuremberg and it was really really cool hamma with preaching crasse horny content ... the wtter was hamma auser on Friday evening where full pot scented and has rained vol aba naja ham wa indeed survived: D
so the alla hottest on that we had so imma nor my darling: D de meike also there was mano ham all lied to me me and dat ham verschwiiegen the on that comes ..... the ham imma gesacht they can work with them and be non-blabla .... Well we went on Friday at 7 clock set off and came out of clock by 1, and Heidi was all the time to write only at the sms ... 've been wondering what makes it so there .... Well, then, the first season over and they said we still have to wait so Hartmud of sleep in which we and so ...... and I stood there all innocent and then there was sone person typing from behind me on the shoulder and gently na ..... and I turn around and see meike screaming first ma together quite Nuremberg: D ..... alta hamma beat Well all knew that and nobody told me gesacht mano ...: D so aba then we had the much better: D
such surprises I can tolerate aba imma wieda: D ne
also: D
treasure love kip <3<3
Sun aba jez I am totally exhausted and must be: D
So good night and God bless you all ..: D
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
16 Months Old With Chest Infection
I look at my scars, marks
days of past,
cuts so deep and true stories,
by the time I was,
wounds of time for getting my dress,
difficult to place, they are a blessing or curse mine.
I know what to expect,
I know this picture, I know my ways
and I know that I do not want to go.
written a book in the skin,
a life-long buried in the mirror time
in the fog of the past,
the scar on our souls,
determine the course of life,
you feel the pain?
I know what to expect,
I know this picture, because I know my
and I know that I go, they no longer want .....!!!!!!!
crasse song already ... written almost like me: D
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tom Delonge Tattoos Forearm
jeah you ....
school has started again and that meant I had to hand feed my praktiumsmappe and I still had to get ready ...: D and I've even done and I'm proud of myself:] I got all 63 alta been written so I have never I have never seen such a portfolio abeggeben .... if not graded well then ... yes ..... well it was really cool that was already the best reward for the work: D
ausadem and I've got my review of Kiga jez and the dude is soo hamma geil ..... 15 times pronounced so pronounced that is 2 1 and 12 and that's it ... sone rating hamma I have never nohc: D thanks: D
so and nu ...
people of the free on Sat night was so hamma .... with you it was soo cool, watching the film and, to hide "you are really cool: D imma wieda happy: D and yesterday was the provocation of heidi hehe .... that lustich and she was so proud of us, we have not disgraced aba ... yes only because of this stupid pc has not played video: D tja sons: D hehe .. oh heidi is really great that there up: D jaja
and today is Monday so motivated just one day after the holidays and I was this morning and jez imma still: d I know what's going on with me at all net: D naja
I'll then move on to the horny ma ma Wetta first wieda the rolla NEN bissel, so that the wakes from its winter sleep: D hehe .... Well, because until ma.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Top Health Insurance In Malaysia
the tach jaja today ....
this morning I had breakfast with sarah and maria it was full of amazing and it was full of fun would imma wieda like to do: D jaja
and then I was wieda iwann at home and I wa Sun stink boring and so and this beautiful Wetta all the ham before hung stare that made me really excited me then have first call to hold the sun set and iwann I would sit there and have read ..... yes to fuck up endlcih this broadcast was over it was still high and we sabrina gezoggt ham: D I've won: D aba it has so made the bock is then iwann Sun at 9:00 Chopped off they did with the dog still n pieces and accompanied dan I would really up to the pc, because I did not know what I should make my dad I said aba is still a bissel stay with him .... dat I am then ...
sat there and then there wa stop and I iwann bierchen fetched ... wa ma ham first then a drink together: d iwann he got dat phone and my grandma I called and I took full toll gesacht dat I also want to talk to her!! so yes and will iwann he's given me and it was so hot with meina oma ... ham first spake all the time and also iwann wieda übas come and so and I'm sure I gesacht dat soon come and so .... and then my grandma Sun :....
, yes I love you too .. soooooo sweet ...!! and you must come soon wieda ...!!!!
I like this: ... , yes and then I cuddle up and wieda ... to you that is so cuddly: D!! and then she has laughed yet: D
oma you to just the coolest and I love you sooo ..... I want you necessarily wieda see ..... and hug you: D ohhhh .. I miss you übelst up ...!!!! my tüti: D
I want to wieda ostfriesland essential and very quickly is sooo funny I was imma sons each oda ma self up there on the weekend in between and Ostan especially jez and so and I was not there I was Ostan not stop there I've felt so lost here the whole time I knew nothing to do with myself I have ken bock ostafeua oda iwas something, because I just up there imma have done with all those together you I soooo .. miss and soo sweet and have you love me ham .... there with them, I am so happy I shall forget all the problems and it is just so much easier to show you the people that they accept you as you and with all faults and quirks you has .... they are just so friendly ..... when the road goes up there bout Jeda you gently moin oda when they know each hello and here so if you here someone good turns tach is first thing in the ma noma 10 at first because can not believe non, which is a good gesacht tach .. ..!!! is not that crass? you understand why I am up so there is good ? this place I can connect with many memories some bad and Crass aba also many good and the people understand you they want to help you and take care of it trying to be cool and my grandma is one of the hottest ...!! ! I wish I could keep it only for intangible assets, they must never go exchange ..... I miss her so much ! ! I shit you want to ostfriesland Easter without my family Thats has never ... the first time and is is hard very hard ..... I'll come soon and then I'm here and I exchange with you and now I can finally be happy wieda ...!!!!!
I love you soo much!
shit you jez I'm crying already wieda fully on ...!!!!
cry I hate ...!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Where Do U Get Monster Energy Fridges From
this text I grad On the page displayed by truTV and found him really well, because it relates to me a piece far and many also look at me with prejudice, perhaps you will understand me better .....!!!! jez
Christian Gothics - The Goth Bible by
Christ while Gothic - for many people is unthinkable. And yet there they are: the Christian goths. They suffer from prejudice, and curious questions from the fact that some people deny their faith.
service visits, home group and church affiliation. Faithful worshipers and perhaps even volunteer in youth work. Actually, Christians like you and me. If only there was not this would be strikingly different appearance: black hair, black clothes and dark makeup. Gern and striking accessories, such as pentagrams on necklaces. Christians, who are also Gothics - not everyone like it.
What is Gothic?
Goth is a subculture that is spread mainly among adolescents and young adults. To explain what Gothic means exactly is difficult and almost impossible for people who do not move in this scene. In a forum for Gothic-Gothic Christians describes a user like this:
"For me, a kind of Gothic romance and a boundary for black masses and to the people who do not think about their lives.
Black Romantic expressed to me in a way that I love the darkness. I'd rather go walking at night than during the day and prefer to quiet places where I do not see many 'normal' humans, for example, to cemeteries. Also, I almost always wear black, I have dyed their hair black and wearing 'black' jewelry. But these are only externals.
What makes Gothic comes from within - such as severe disappointment of a church, depression, fears in life, hopelessness - there are many possibilities. (...)
The demarcation to society comes to me so that I do not like all people want to go through life living for money or career, etc.. "
Originally, the term comes from the music scene. Later the term was then transferred to the fans of this dark and melancholic rock and punk music. Gothics to define only about her music, is now, however, not sufficient. In contrast to most other people think goths a lot about death and mortality. This melancholy, they present with the dark style of dress to the outside.
Christ and Gothicsein - does it work?
The goth scene is subject to prejudice. Frequently, the trailer with Satanists. One thing is certain: even if they object to many parts of our society, goths are peaceful people.
Most goths sit frequently deal with religious issues come of it but to very different results. Some live as converted Christians. Others, however, describe themselves as atheist and reject the Church. Some even have a penchant for the occult. The spectrum is broad.
Many fellow Christians become annoyed that Gothics constantly radiate sadness and melancholy. Okay, we may all be sad times. Problems arise, however, when sorrow and sadness to be on life, that does not bother many Christians. Because: As Christians we are mandated to tell others about the joy and liberation through the gospel. With a permanently negative attitude a Christian does not credible.
And yet join Christian and Gothic is not enough. Have you ever wondered why your counterpart is sad and dark with these clothes? Although it sounds far-fetched, some Christians seems her life so worthless that they have the idea that Jesus died for them too, almost unbearable.
Remember: A man sees what is before our eyes, but the Lord looks on the heart. (1 Sam 16:7)