Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Unique Basketball Warm Up Songs

I am again ....: D

yes so now I live are already over a month here in the beautiful ostfriesland ...
and I have to say until now I repent nothing I mean I miss you all in the Sauerland has thus actually really ... aba I'm up here, really cool new full loud, and I know my real fun ...: D my work in the kindergarten makes me sick much fun I'm really happy then .... The children are all powerful and loving horny me so much fun ... and my first salary I've also already got: D that is of course the best part: D I'm really here to be my aunts and onkelz are so horny and my grandma and Opapa course and provide me good and Hillu my new mama: D which is of course the hottest it's so much fun with her and she is soooo nice to me .... people I have to say HERE here are so good I'm so happy so happy I've never in my life ... and doing great .... oh you and I begin the same time to cry again ....
naja and I have really the feeling that some people are genuinely feel disadvantaged by me so I think they've forgotten already no this is not so! aba it is sometimes better than I have to work up to 5 clock and must go for internet phone calls and always to my other aunt because the halt ne flat and therefore has a bissel isses difficult with all the same and so ... and if you feel discriminated write me a mail or sms ne oda whatever I promised to catch up will be ... and I will never ever Forgot ...!!!!!
moving Well on monday I for a week to a seminar to Delmenhorst and I'm looking forward to have aba a bissel fear aba works already iwie: D
people like that and I wanted all of you who have written me a card with real-time n big THANK YOU I'm happy to say that I totally get so many have: d have almost every day and the post is full of cool: D thank you, I'm really loving people total ... so until then ...
your kleeeeeene marta: D