Sunday, January 31, 2010

How Many Brain Cells Do You Lose From Acid


sometimes life is shit that
is sometimes the good life, sometimes you
're happy, sometimes you're
laugh sometimes you, sometimes you cry
, sometimes surrounded
up your friends, sometimes surrounded
up your enemies,
sometimes you are alarmed, sometimes
are you sure you
are sometimes sour, sometimes you're
sometimes you beat all to pieces,
sometimes you do everything well, sometimes you
hates your people around you,
Sometimes you love her, sometimes you hate your life
love sometimes you want it, sometimes you die
willl sometimes ..... dus
is your life as you do it ....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Parallels Partition Delete

uppppssss ....: D

that's already three months ago when I last did once wrote ...
and me doing so well: D I'm happy to be jez here until I die: D
my work is still so great: D I'm happy every day: D good to get up sometimes is the hard: D
naja aba I miss the majority of people in the Sauerland .... especially my dad and my sis ..
because I can only say I MISS YOU PAPA and
Well I see you again soon too bad I only have so little vacation ....
next year will be different because isses set again ...: D
Sun .....
is not oriented correctly what to write here in ...
kerstin as I already said several times when I facebook than here: D so look for me but there: D
the small marta: D the gaaaaaaaaanz .... Love is: D