Monday, February 28, 2011
Microsoft Office 2003 Actiovation Hack
Here they can be viewed at:
I am today, 01 . March 2011, fax to the prosecutor's yard.
This is just the beginning, as you might already have thought given the fact is that I wrote the complaint in two languages, German and English. The affair and Guttenberg is exactly what had I missed in a much larger context and meaning other things, still.
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of?
TOP IMPORTANT: freedom, legal and human / doris-kipsiekerannika Joeres-the-green-weather-the-green-berlin-the-green-hamburg-the-green-koblenz-renate-kunast-the-left-witten /
http: / / dusseldorf-the-green-berlin-sylvia-Lohrmann /
Todos Los Vidoes Bait Bus Gratis
love people!
Thanks to a huge support network, certainly not least on the part of our excellent Internet Force, is the basis of my blogs and domains better than ever.
pertaining to and I would like, from Guttenberg obvious reasons (national security reads ...) still does not explain in detail what I will do so all but I intend to exploit the matter in a way that they will almost certainly should not have to close their accounts.
that a chancellor would be a disaster of Guttenberg, is clear. However, currently only disasters have views of the next chancellor, as the last chancellor had always disasters and Angela Merkel is a disaster. Accordingly, I am interested by Guttenberg only secondary, so it provided me with quite fond of the political struggle is that arrogant-ignorant stubbornness of him (yet) ensures the continued inclusion in the ministerial chair.
I will gleefully eviscerate, what man is held politically in this case, and in a manner that is clearly and extensively beyond Germany. I will Comparative blood to bring Wallen, as I will do nothing to present as facts.
Let them praise from the Guttenberg and continued to hold up. You will pay a price for it, they can not even appreciate now.
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and order of?
TOP IMPORTANT: n-ex-k3-berlin-altermedia-bodo-ramelow-katja-kipping-die-linke-dusseldorf-die-grunen-dusseldorf-die-grunen-berlin-sylvia-lohrmann/
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Lumix How Long To Charge Battery
It has been very worthwhile, in my hand against Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and of intentional criminal complaint: 00-design-strafanzeige.html
because of the obvious fulfillment of § 132a of the Tatbetandes Criminal Code (unauthorized use of titles) initially hold back, because in the last days of the internet is very powerful other statements by various parties been published, the prosecution can not simply wipe away Sun
is here to inspect the material to which I shall refer in my new criminal charges to be formulated:
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and order of?
TOP-WICHTIG: n-ex-k3-t-old media-bodo-Ramella-katja-Kipp-the-left-dusseldorf-the-green-dusseldorf-the-green-berlin-sylvia-Lohrmann /
Friday, February 25, 2011
Dizziness And Heavy Head Palpitation
first Actually, it would be nice, it will slowly warm ___wenn würde________ .
second _____Manche Einfach_________ people are ridiculous.
third Last night I __war wach________ probably too long.
4th ____So Aber_______ love people so far away.
5th I could never ____meine verletzen__________ children.
6th ___Wäre Angenehm_______________ a while if I had a cook.
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the radio ______Holla hören_____, tomorrow I have planned ____einkaufen____ and Sunday I would like __Grammelpogatscherl machen_______!
Cute Birthday Western Theme Sayings
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Device Name:safenet Usb Superpro/ultrapro

wool: A beautiful ball of wool that I got from Dawn in the last swap package
needles: 5 wood
pattern: All right
consumption: 102g
Owner: let's see who cries HERE;) Those who know me know that he gave me almost achromatic is ^ ^
Radio Confusion
Theoretically, all the presenters at the completion was involved - but I have all entertained with great music:) The last stitches but were in "Irish Folk" with Nobby made and the dearest of all PJ has developed vigorously me at the last minute the ball;)
At this point a big thank you to the love of radio presenters Confusion.
And you love people as can be used outside only guess:
listen to it a look;)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Safenet Sentinel Super Pro Hack
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After location of known public facts of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and in any event be held guilty of unauthorized use of title, which I will still respond to a criminal complaint.
In media statements by the Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and quoted by the creation his doctoral dissertation had extended over years, and therefore it was he himself did not notice that he had committed the specified offenses is credible in any way, but is seen is a protective claim for the prevention of criminal prosecution as well as to minimize the public damage to reputation: Karl been-Theodor von, and had to Guttenberg adopted in several cases, long passages of text blindly by other authors that he has deliberately at any stage be continued it would have had him stand out in any proof-reading, because if you wrote yourself or not, is a healthy mind with each reading to themselves, especially when it is extended Text passages. Alternatively, it would draw at most in mind that Karl-Theodor had been to and Guttenberg, not even the author of the submission of his PhD thesis, so that he could not proof-reading can notice whether a mental not to his native Passage contribution of the designated author or stolen from that intellectual property of a third person was. Undoubtedly it would also then have been a serious breach of the principles of scientific work in this case certainly, certainly would have the Karl-Theodor need to be aware of and to Guttenberg, and at any stage.
and :
The full text of the draft, I will still work on, is available at: can be no doubt that is indexed according to the laws of punishment under § 132 a StGB, and there is no doubt that it would be Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg from and not a forerunner of the system but a system-critical anarchist, sought by the state authority and would be completed.
is in this case, pose a significant public interest, which is in the affirmative, moreover, contain unauthorized use in general to handle the situation properly legally: probably the one hand it would affect the reputation of Germany as a location of the Sciences, if high exponents of state and society unprosecuted present with fraudulently obtained academic degrees, the second it would of course an empowering effect on the already severely disturbed confidence of the people to politics and the judiciary have if this motto: "Some hanged, the others can go free" basis would.
. html
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of? Joeres-the-green-weather-the-green-green-the-berlin-hamburg-the-green-koblenz-renate-kunast-the-left-witten / n-ex-k3-t-old media-bodo-Ramella-katja -Kipp-the-left-dusseldorf-the-green-dusseldorf-the-green-berlin-sylvia-Lohrmann /
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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'd Which variant of the wool fool you like (sock yarn, crochet yarn, shawl wool) sock yarn please:) If I Crochet anyone what may - just about: D
What material do you prefer? No specific fact. Merino is great, but the normal 75/25 can be happy:) What material
like you do not? This flame wool I like net, and bamboo, silk and linen wear tu - knit net only so much: D
What colors have you enjoyed? I like colorful mags:) (eg Noro wool over the Koi of daisies - purely from the colors ago)
What colors so do not go? Tristes, university, Neon ...
Dear like simple patterns or what is "more complicated". What easier would be great:)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Gingivitis Peroxide Baking Soda
first It seems like yesterday ___dass my children born sind________.
second __Wenn Tomorrow it would have 30 degrees - ____________ I would not mind.
third When cold weather has actually ___The finally Ende_______.
4th ___The Is foggy and gray in grau________ outside my window.
5th My belly pleasantly full ____ist :)__________.
6th Oh my God, some people are stupid and ____sind hirnlos___________________.
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to ___The Holla________ love, tomorrow and Sunday I had planned __arbeiten______ __relaxen I would like to D_______!
Sending Sms Withoutgsm Modem

I am an avowed fan Kim Harrison Although I should say the most specific. I'm Rachel Morgan fan who me knows, knows, these books are read, no matter how short the night it is. Of course, I've also started this one immediately:) (Thanks again Ninchen)
Whether it was now really so wise to publish this really thin book - I do not know. Some Puzzelteilchen now find their place. But in the end I'd say I had first read this, I would have taken no other.
is told here via / by Ivy. Before she met Rachel. Even with the IS: it refers to a crime scene a banshee-tear. In the course of the investigation she meets Mia. That's it then in effect, already =)
Who knows the Series - read it. Those who do not - gets you would rather only a "Rachel's book"
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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No question: If one follows the representations in the media, then would the War Minister Karl -Theodore of and actually Guttenberg the Dr. title would be canceled, because this is not accidental Zitierfehler, but with the omission of source notes in the case of longer text passages, to put it simply: Karl-Theodor and from Guttenberg to illegally decorated with borrowed plumes:
This may not be offered in academic work, which is a fundamental violation of the principles governing the provision of scientific work.
The thing is this way or that run on a hammer out: Does the Faculty of Law at the University of Bayreuth, the Minister of War from the Dr title, then by Guttenberg politically and socially once as good as done.
Does the designated faculty is not, then is it as good as done: She would make a mockery of all those who associate with a PhD or a scientific approach, a Doctor of Law Faculty of Bayreuth in the scientific community would now not worth anything.
case of Guttenberg allowed to keep the crooked acquired title Dr. should want, I make all law-students of the University of Bayreuth an offer:
plag The title of the-Dr. plag. jur. I can give! An exclusive double-plagiarism, even without thesis and colloquium!
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of?
TOP IMPORTANT: -legal and human / kipsiekerannika Joeres-the-green-weather-the-green-green-the-berlin-hamburg-the-green-koblenz-renate-kunast-the-left-witten / could dusseldorf-the-green-dusseldorf-the-green-berlin-sylvia-Lohrmann /
Does Mirena Hurt Removed
Bollywood Scrapbooking Invitations
know ... is the stone in my new piercing
black ... now and then is nice too
red ... I do be rare, but when really;) Red see more often
green ... 's about where and how .. Green
pink ... in the right corners been nice: D
blue ... reminds me of the sea, sky, beautiful eyes ...
gray ... as the mist around the corner? :-S
Symbolism Of The Poem A Lonely Soul
For over two weeks, I lay flat with pneumonia. = (
I hope soon to make back what they can.
wishes all the helpful creative artists have a great week.
Marriage Invitation No Gifts
The've got because I love the Renate :
And gabs of Ninchen me:
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Already a while ago I've seen her at Karin needle pockets. Spontaneously We have made a deal. Needle-free bag Care Package =) (The Missing comes after yet when I "did)
And up there I got it all:) THANK YOU
love Karin!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Free Bubble Skirt Sewing Pattern

now looks at this, what I get paid today by the love Holla did:) If not Bärlis hearted? To cuddle:)

The bear is also the place here:
How should it work well?
We all have edges, corners,
difficult to come to terms "round".
makes the people are not around, but distinguished from it
and qualified for a true bond of friendship.
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bissl look even worse off, but since wars really made it very fresh:)
I like it: D
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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Now perhaps the president have hit the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Dieter Graumann , documented in the unprecedented lack of understanding of democracy: he claimed, the Central Council of Jews had the right, as a single, politically, to speak for all Jews in Germany:
That is, even without recourse to any Background recognizable nonsense: how should it be that about 200,000 Jews in Germany should be a political opinion? Is there only one party in Israel, which reached 100% each of all possible votes? Is there really no political disagreements in the group of Jews?
Who says the talks, confused, and Dieter Graumann said basically just that, and not only that, the Central Council, and thus in particular its chairman, So gray man himself, had the right, politically speaking for all Jews in Germany.
The circumstances that feel that is up to 80% of Jews in Germany, represented by the Central Council in no way accuse him instead living thinking and anti-democratic practices can be stated here as true:
It is unacceptable that the cost of the Central Council of German taxpayer, not Jewish as Jewish; is fattened, and Dieter Graumann has stated clearly what he thinks of Jewish demands for democratization of the Central Council: handedness, he is made over it, but said the intention of the Central Council, all the Jews in Germany want to patronize them politically.
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of?
TOP IMPORTANT: Halton-doris-kipsiekerannika Joeres-the-green-weather-the-green-green-the-berlin-hamburg-the-green-koblenz-renate-kunast-the-left-witten /
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fact: Satanic views on combating terrorism through systematic and arbitrary use of moderation rights - this is the Augsburger Allgemeine in their online forum: the-satanic-Augsburg-common-fdp-Augsburg-awo-Augsburg-caritas-augsburg augsburg-YMCA /
Saturday, February 12, 2011
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love people!
Now it is clear: Judge Hackman Helmut sent me the verdict in the murder of Nadine Ostrowski / false conviction of Phillip Jaworowski, so obviously coming, so I am concerned with, rather than to defend myself in the ongoing criminal proceedings at the time efficiently. Although this has not worked out, because I turned the verdict after verdict in my procedure, but it must have been thinking clearly.
Although enough food for the reasons of appeal remained, so I have to say however, that the celebrated apparently notoriously right bend generic judges duo Helmut Hackman and Tom Schlözer through lies and deliberate omissions are some things to my severe disadvantage which I had not effectively prevented. Of course I will represent all in good time on the Internet, and of course these things would not have been possible if my duty to defend her job would have taken seriously.
I did not assume that, in my case, everything was twisted and faked it as in other similar cases, do not go assuming that other lawyers would have done in most cases more than mine. But the fact is that the means of the revision must then remain completely ineffective if you do not exactly from the beginning knows what's happening in so far as and along with tours of the dirtiest judge calculated quite well with the fact that they reflect testimony clearly wrong.
What happens in the start at the district court proceedings, which only know of a regular instance, you can actually only be described as satanic shit, starting with the fact that there is no recording requirement in terms of content of witness statements, so that the court testimony protocol profiled face ( only for their own purposes, without the possibility of the accused to view this report or on appeal to refer to his website!), continued with the fact that picked documents need not even be content of the trial protocol (so that in the revision process also point does not refer may be), stopped it, that clearly the court known facts are suppressed and even maliciously lie clearly on the part of the court.
Well, here alone with the thing:
-dr-med-michael-Lazar-dortmund /
I have in the overall context of the necessary food, and now I have one more thing: The rage in the belly necessary.
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of?
TOP IMPORTANT: Halton-doris-kipsiekerannika Joeres-the-green-weather-the-green-green-the-berlin-hamburg-the-green-koblenz-renate-kunast-the-left-witten /
Friday, February 11, 2011
Tritton Physical Fluid
details Belljangler to the blog: -Augsburg-fdp-Augsburg-the-left-Augsburg-the-green-augsburg /
Lohri Invitation After Marriage
love people!
Apparently they now have a very effective trick found to keep my posts in the visible region of the SE. Or is it that our Internet Force currently operates other things with great effort, the care of my Google Pages and the fight against such party of my book?
Anyway, I am convinced that our Internet Force knows exactly what she is doing and also the fact that we will defeat the ultimate Satanism.
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of?
TOP IMPORTANT: kipsiekerannika-Joeres-the-green-weather-the-green-berlin-the-green-hamburg-the-green-koblenz-renate-kunast-the-left-witten /
Heroine With Biggests Boob
first Just today I love ____hatte Besuch_______.
second ___Wenn I addressed at the work before the holidays (general) denke___________ me the creeps.
third I have actually managed to __meine Imp wegzuschicken________ time.
4th ____Jetzt Is Wochenende________ I'm looking on it!
5th First of all, I turned on Radio ___hab Confusion as I ging___________ online.
6th ____Wir Could have it worse off ___________ if you look at the political events in our country.
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to ______Radio Confusion_____, tomorrow I __einkaufen / stricken______ planned and Sunday _____relaxen I would like to D____!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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of the then very popular show host Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff, or "coolie" said in the course of aging once, he would in time leave of the stage because it's not even notice when one mentally be declining. And he did not want to just drive so far until one or the other well-meaning friend or colleague a friendly hug him and tell him: "You pen what I tell you now is only meant well ...."
Günter Grass could this time a meaningful exits have missed. At least he stands up for an SPD, which stands for horrendous social cutbacks, both for exorbitant tax breaks to the super rich, too rigid for dismantling the rule of law remains. Only in the last joint Federal Government with the Union, the SPD was decided to adopt the so-called security laws with, including Internet blocking law and deployment of the Bundeswehr in the interior, and the Afghanistan war have SPD and the Greens started.
precisely this praise Olaf Scholz, who is shown to the servants of big business, see Others: scholz-to-have-it-was-in-bilderberg.html
already is a piece that Günter Grass has been approved to be taken seriously as a political critic. But his knowledge of history must be understood in light of his age and his own claim alleged only as childish and naive error analysis.
He says among other things:
"Too few have the time when the Nazis were great, defended the Weimar Republic and so democracy was a victim of totalitarianism, as soon as she was born. .
He actually proves that he has absolutely no idea has, since the Weimar Republic had failed not for nothing that the people, and had nothing to do with democracy in the strict sense: the ruling parties were constable of big business and disregarded the interests of the common people completely (what this reminds me only?). Especially these shortcomings of the Weimar Republic were the ones both the Communists and the Nazis, the people driven into the arms. The Weimar Republic was not worth preserving, it was no surprise that for their preservation nobody really strongly made: Big business sat on Hitler, the people to Hitler or the communists, because the two least one promise: Get rid of Weimar!
That the Günter Grass such things are not known, proves that he is as a political adviser can not take seriously that he does not stand for wisdom and understanding of history, but for superficial view.
The same, he proves also in terms of its expressed opinion, we must fight against the assimilation of the Sinti and Roma. That is, he maintains a parallel society in one country would be useful, although it can not absolutely deny that the same companies for the purpose of unity of a people stand in the way and historically and also in the present always lead to ugly conflicts and led.
this Grass can not at all (more?) Seriously, and so is his advice to evaluate, to select the SPD.
Günter Grass would do well to take inspiration from the above-quoted insight of Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff, and that Olaf Scholz such "electoral assistance" still likes to carry in stock, speaks only as a complement to it.
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and order of?
TOP IMPORTANT: the-green-hamburg-the-green-koblenz-renate-kunast-the-left-witten /
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
What State Id Does Not Have A Hologram
life ... is not always easy. But always worth living!
loved ones ... everyone should at some point:)
housing ... am I comfortable, even if the majority is also useful here
travel ... which are great, as always I'm looking forward on it
laugh ... I dared today with my colleagues
wines ... can I get older with my best friends
... assumes all alone:)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Everlast Excercise Bike Instruction Manual
love people!
You have to dig more deeply and often to get a base from which to set out from you. As at:
the-green-weather-the-green-green-the-berlin-hamburg-the-green-koblenz-renate-kunast-the-left-witten /
concerning a murder in Passau is explained, is already considered to be amazing. But put into context with various other things, it gives a very clear and undeniable true picture.
you a look at this here:, 1518,184791,00 html
Und dann versucht einmal, heraus zu bekommen, was daraus geworden ist. Mir ist das nicht gelungen.
Und auch diese Relation zwischen zwei Fällen betreffend den Raum Passau, die Jahre auseinanderliegen, ist nur ein Bruchstück aus einem Gesamtmosaik.
Ich kann es nicht schnell auf einen Punkt bringen, es ist zu umfangreich.
Ansonsten gibt es Versuche, meine Darlegungen to prevent the murder of Nadine Ostrowski, they seem to emanate from the leadership of the police Hagen. It feels there but probably not too well - otherwise we would have been much, much more struck. I do not see too that they will come to the goal, and if necessary, I will retaliate in a way that they are falling over themselves (Fritz!).
Our Internet Force and Internet workers are great, but it is also seen tremendous opposing forces.
In Goddess we trust, and She will be glorious!
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of?
And what German politicians to say such things?
http:/ / -silvia-from-sweden-cdu-stuttgart-the-green /
For special note of:
lawyer Holtermann, Attorney Lutz Duvernell, attorney Hans Dieckhöfer, Dr. Christian Tilse, lawyer Dr. Jochen Berninghaus, attorney Hans-Jürgen Palm, lawyer Dr. Detlef Götz, attorney Anja Berning house lawyer Mark Sträter , lawyer Dr. Achim Herbst, a lawyer Manfred Ehlers, Dr. Carsten Jaeger lawyer, attorney Guido Schwartz, attorney Frank Stier, Attorney at Law Prof. Dr. Tido Park, Dr. Thorsten Mätzig lawyer, attorney Rainer Beck Schewe, lawyer Dr. Steffen Lorscheider lawyer Dr. Robert Young, a lawyer-Regine Holtermann Bendig, Attorney at Law Tom Eggers, Attorney Axel Kämper, Ulf Reuker lawyer, attorney Kay U. Koeppen, Attorney Sophia Gantenbrink -Neuhaus-dortmund-zk-lawyer-michael-krause-lawyer-jurgen-Sandmann-lawyer-jochen-spieker-lawyer-dr-carson-jager-rechtsanwal /
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Hi, Dr. Wolfgang Kirsch!
follow with great interest the side, which the fiber-optic hospitals in NRW do with the critically ill heart Hans Pytlinski.
Take note of all absurdities and all the inhumanities that he and his family have been bestowed and possibly also should be given to be published in full on the Internet, where the names of those responsible for not to say the perpetrators, are also called.
with anarchist greetings
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of ?
And what German politicians to say such things? -berlin-queen-of-the-silvia sweden-cdu-stuttgart-the-green /