Furthermore, as the following interview came about, read here by:
http: / / freegermanysobottka.blogspot.com/2011/02/ss-satanist-packt-aus-so-verarschen-wir.html
Anarchist Boulevard: "Mr. Money-grabbers, short guns, you are one of the insiders of the dirty Tours the SS-satanic German big business and the SS-satanic German politics. How is it that a country with the resources of Russia does not come out of the dirt out "
MG: ? As you may know, we are not so stupid SS-Satanists how certain anarchist circles we always want to represent. This means among other things that we strategically plan and we set very early on was that it would come to an end in the Eastern Block of the so-called people's republics. We of course had clear goals: We were anxious with these countries as little trouble to have and use their resources as cheaply as possible to "
Anarchist Boulevard: . This way of thinking on the part of Satanists is nothing new. It would be interesting to know details of planning and action. "
MG: " It had to go about getting the new power elites in control and in a way that they were sufficient for our purposes, but also were unable to develop their countries. Finally, we wanted no new strong competitor in world markets. What do you mean, what a perfectly developed Russia mean for our export economy would? 150 million Russians in a country with all kinds of mineral resources, which would produce the most modern processes all possible and would have nothing more to import "
Anarchist Boulevard: " Yes certainly, you'd have to use terms such as Waterloo to describe the effect on German exports striking ... So what have you done? "
MG: " Well, what probably. We knew that we exaggerate the power elite in absolute decadence and they also control had "
Anarchist Boulevard: ." MG, you have therefore made "
MG: " please remember that Schroeder and Fischer by a change have provided the visa traffic that hundreds of thousands came from Russians, White Russians, etc. to Germany and have been here, forced into prostitution "
Anarchist Boulevard: " please just say ... "
MG: "It is no better way for what we wanted. We chose the ones that we thought was the best, they brought fully under our control, and they sent back to Russia. We have ensured that they were a presentable way of life and standard and unremarkable had approached each male victims to be brought "
Anarchist Boulevard: ." MG, to such means that your accesses to employee representatives to make them dependent, has demonstrated the VW group. But all the power elite of a country? "
MG: "In relation to what it does carry, we have the cost as it were, out of petty cash ..."
Anarchist Boulevard: "But does Medvedev a super-yacht spa? "
MG: " Listen, now you go too far ... "
Anarchist Boulevard: " you will certainly have some have done more? "
MG: "Gambling, drugs such as cocaine, for the young people in the luxury nightclubs and ecstasy boost from excessive luxury - what you do just so ...."
Anarchist Boulevard: "And what function Schroeder and his wife?"
MG: "Well, they keep their antennae on the pulse of the reign of press, as friends as a lifestyle consultant, make sure Parties that into success, and so on .... "
Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of?
And what German politicians to say such things?
http:/ / belljangler.wordpress.com/2011/01/23/richter-werner-dietz-amtsgericht-waiblingen-jugendamt-stuttgart-und-der-brd-drecksstaat-zk-zentralrat-der-juden-britische-botschaft-berlin-konigin -silvia-from-sweden-cdu-stuttgart-the-green /
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