Winfried Sobottka TO UA, 3rd of March 2011: Attacks to My Internet blogs / Annika Joeres
Ladies and Gentlemen!
My political acting against Karl-Theodor von und zu Guttenberg, FRG-Minister of War until his demission some days ago, You can read about that in German language as well as in English (please look at the scans there):
seems to have led to unclean attacks: This Google-Blog has been suspended today, I had to activate it by giving my telephon-No., though there cannot be any doubt that I myself, Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, Karl-Haarmann-Straße, 44536 Lünen, Germany, am the author of this blog.
Furthermore I haven´t been able to get access to and to the wordpress-login for some time - anyway which operating system I used to try.
I think the matter is clear, and I hope for Google and WordPress that they will not be willed to help German State to press down freedom of information.
Your sincer
Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST
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