Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kate S Play Ground News

The crooked tours of the Prosecutor Court in the affair Guttenberg / Attorney Reiner loaf, police court, CSU Günzburg, YMCA Bamberg, FDP, Bamberg, Womblog

hampered because of national security to my WordPress blog in the SE, and again here:

I Now the scans have uploaded, addressed to the Prosecutor Hof / Bayern complaint including the fax transmission report: -scans-01-march-2011.html

I also have very Screenshots of a Beck-Blog review uploaded, where it is really in what at that time hardly anyone seems to have noticed: beck-blog/00-netzsperre-gegen-kinderpornografie.html

against recurrent undead you need know, daylight or pegs (the heart), in the case of the politically undead black baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and of I plead for daylight ... ;)

Well, take this opportunity I have hit a hole-in search of the Prosecutor's yard, see:

. . html go

following loopholes it brings into play
" would be examined now is whether the special interest is that of law enforcement."
So she thinks the public interest. When I read that, I lay on the ground: As mickey aristocratic member of the Bundestag, the University of Bayreuth fraudulently to accumulate as a Ph.D., with which he adorns many years in ministerial office, hordes of scientists denounce the crop damage to the reputation of Germany in scientific circles, hordes of politicians denounced the fidelity, the policy suffered by the citizens have to, and examine the prosecution in court will, if there was an interest in law enforcement!
" The immunity (as a Member of Dt. Bundestag, note from me) is currently the sticking point. "
Well, the situation is likely to Things are resolved very soon, otherwise you have seen it in Thuringia, how fast can be removed (in the case of Members of The Left Party) deputies immunity!
"The prosecution plane (,) the final evaluation of the dissertation by the University of Bayreuth into their assessment can be said loaf."
What? When did the prosecutor intended for that is what others think? You must determine if sufficient suspicion itself, which is clearly also the view of:

College President Rüdiger Bormann, UNI Bayreuth:
The College has the question of whether the Minister had deliberately misled his written-off in many parts of dissertation, can not determine on the fly .... This is also more a matter for the prosecution in court and not for his house.
source see:

Last but not least, it does to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, it is supposedly only to questions of copyright.

Yet it is clear as day that a title can not be swindled out with internal justification, that of Guttenberg to the track so the sense of § 132a of the Criminal Code without authorization has led.

Well, on my criminal complaint in this regard will have to vote them out in some form, and then we'll see whether the swindle an academic title remain unpunished in Germany, including subsequent, extensive use of the title fraudulently, according to the prosecutor in court had.

If allowed to so, even where no criminal liability to be criticized for that help by fraud of such a title. Then I will publicly offer to write to other people pay Diploma and PhD theses, and sign the whole thing as a business in the city Lünen.

Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of?


-the-track-karen-Halton-doris-kipsiekerannika Joeres-the-green-weather-the-green-berlin-the-green-hamburg-the-green-koblenz-renate-kunast-the-left-witten / -Kipp-the-left-dusseldorf-the-green-dusseldorf-the-green-berlin-sylvia-Lohrmann /


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