Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Long To Charge A 3.7v Li Poly

criminal charges acc. § 132 a StGB against Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg from and / Annika Joeres, Simon McDonald, CSU Memmingen, The Left Berlin, Hamburg, the Greens, the Greens Soest

After location of known public facts of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and in any event be held guilty of unauthorized use of title, which I will still respond to a criminal complaint.


In media statements by the Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and quoted by the creation his doctoral dissertation had extended over years, and therefore it was he himself did not notice that he had committed the specified offenses is credible in any way, but is seen is a protective claim for the prevention of criminal prosecution as well as to minimize the public damage to reputation: Karl been-Theodor von, and had to Guttenberg adopted in several cases, long passages of text blindly by other authors that he has deliberately at any stage be continued it would have had him stand out in any proof-reading, because if you wrote yourself or not, is a healthy mind with each reading to themselves, especially when it is extended Text passages. Alternatively, it would draw at most in mind that Karl-Theodor had been to and Guttenberg, not even the author of the submission of his PhD thesis, so that he could not proof-reading can notice whether a mental not to his native Passage contribution of the designated author or stolen from that intellectual property of a third person was. Undoubtedly it would also then have been a serious breach of the principles of scientific work in this case certainly, certainly would have the Karl-Theodor need to be aware of and to Guttenberg, and at any stage.

and :

There can be no doubt that is indexed according to the laws of punishment under § 132 a StGB, and there is no doubt that it would be Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg from and not a forerunner of the system but a system-critical anarchist, sought by the state authority and would be completed.

is in this case, pose a significant public interest, which is in the affirmative, moreover, contain unauthorized use in general to handle the situation properly legally: probably the one hand it would affect the reputation of Germany as a location of the Sciences, if high exponents of state and society unprosecuted present with fraudulently obtained academic degrees, the second it would of course an empowering effect on the already severely disturbed confidence of the people to politics and the judiciary have if this motto: "Some hanged, the others can go free" basis would.
The full text of the draft, I will still work on, is available at:

. html

Dipl.-Kfm. Winfried Sobottka, UNITED ANARCHIST and Order of?
TOP IMPORTANT: legal and human / Joeres-the-green-weather-the-green-green-the-berlin-hamburg-the-green-koblenz-renate-kunast-the-left-witten / n-ex-k3-t-old media-bodo-Ramella-katja -Kipp-the-left-dusseldorf-the-green-dusseldorf-the-green-berlin-sylvia-Lohrmann /


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